Thursday, January 12, 2017

What does that title mean...? Why am I here?

Good day and welcome to my blog on diet, fitness and living a healthier lifestyle!

In June of 2016 my weight had peaked at 245 pounds. I knew I had a 'weight problem', but I didn't think of it as a 'problem'. The wake up call was when I received a birthday present of a membership with Weight Watchers!  Nothing says Happy Birthday like the gift that says "you are a fat sack of lard - do something about it!"

(BTW - Thanks Mom!)

So I've been attending weight watchers for the past 7 months now. To my surprise, I've actually lost over fifty pounds at this point. I'm amazed. (Mom's amazed too!). When I started the program I made the statement "If I can lose twenty pounds, I'll count it as a win". Well - Mission Accomplished! 

So clearly, the plan does work. But it's not 'only' about diet. While that is an important component, the program advocates exercise as almost as important a pillar of the program. You can limit your intake, but you need to work the other side of the equation and burn more calories to get rid of the 'excess reserve' that I had been saving within my body.

Me in June of 2015. My weight then was approximately 235 pounds.

What does that title mean...?

We all know that diets are hard. In one of our recent meetings, we were discussing how long people that start diets as part of New Years resolutions stick to them. The answer was...the third week of January as that's when the grocery store saw salad bar sales plummet.  Or as one person succinctly put it "Because kale tastes like wet sadness".  And with that, a title was born!

Why am I here...?

Dieting or really changing your lifestyle is HARD. I mean, let's face it - if it was easier we'd all be skinny! With this blog I want to share what's worked for me, when I've succeeded and when I've struggled and sometimes...when I've failed (though failed is such a harsh word). Along the way, I'm hoping to have funny stories, useful stories and just maybe an inspirational story to let you know you too are not alone on this journey to a healthier lifestyle.

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